Thursday, July 16, 2009

Getting On Schedule..... A Little Early

So today I woke up at 1:30 PM!

It's because I stay up so late on this computer and my cell phone.
I hate missing the morning.
And I hate feeling groggy and tired when I do get up.
AND I'm really trying to do two personal devotions to God every day.
(One first thing in the MORNING. One right before prayer at night.)

So, I have developed a new schedule for myself!
And I would really love it if you all could help me stick to it!
How, you ask?
Well, first let me explain my new schedule:

5:30-6:00AM (because that's the time I'll have to get up when school lets back in): WAKE UP!
6:00-6:30AM: 30 minute Bible study and devotion to God.
6:30-7:00AM: breakfast
7:00-7:30AM: shower and get dressed for the day
7:30-8:00AM: check my websites and post a blog entry
8:00-10:00AM: make sure my room is straight.(yes, I know I'm southern) do chores.
10:00AM-8:00PM: do whatever the day has in store for me. =]
8:00-9:00PM: check my websites and post a blog entry
9:00-9:30PM: brush my teeth, shower if necessary, put my hair up and my pajamas on, otherwise get ready for bed...
9:30-10:00PM: 30 minute Bible study and devotion to God.
10:00PM-5:30AM: SLEEP

Now, how can you help me?
If you catch me online after 10PM, SCOLD ME
tell me to GO TO BED.

I love the internet world.
I shall post again later, with those videos I said I'd post.

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