Sunday, October 25, 2009


This past week was Homecoming for my school.

I had a lot of fun dressing up during Spirit Week with my friends, and I will do a seperate post later with pictures.

Friday night we went to the football game where we won!
a senior who goes by BAM won the title of Homeoming Queen.

It was a very fun week and I do apologize for not having the pictures ready yet.

One more thing... I'm going to try to get my license tomorrow. Pray for me!



Mrs. Valente said...

Eeek! How exciting! Stay safe out on that road!!

Oh, and I'm so sorry for skipping the month. Scribe Scuffle will be back in November!:)

Emily said...

Good luck on getting your license! My brother is getting his I think on Thursday! Hop on over to my blog to claim your wonderful award!

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