Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Concinnate- Scribe Scuffle for September!

concinnate  –verb (used with object), -nated, -nating. to arrange or blend together skillfully, as parts or elements; put together in a harmonious, precisely appropriate, or elegant manner.

As humans, all of us concinnate things. Whether it's an idea, a meal, an outfit, compounds using elements of the periodic table (sorry, I'm taking Chemistry), an essay or other type of paper, or any project.

Today, as with every Scribe Scuffle entry I post, I am going to concinnate as many of those things as possible into this post, which is my current project, and it will make sense. I hope. =]]

Concinnating an idea. Well, to concinnate an idea, there is an entire thought process. First, you decide that you have a thought in mind. Then you build or brainstorm on that thought until you have a whole idea or many ideas. For example, I need to concinnate an idea for my senior graduation project. I know I have to do that, so there's my beginning thought. Brainstorming on my thought, I found that I could concinnate all kinda of ideas, and now, I just have to pick one!

Concinnating a meal. This is the example Kingdom Mama, Mrs. Sarah, used. When concinnating a whole meal , you need enough ingredients to make an entree and at least one side dish. Once you have your ingredients, directions would be helpful if you aren't some kind of cooking wiz! When you are ready, and all materials needed are out, you can officially begin to concinnate your meal! More times than not, it will make the most sense to start with your entree, as it will most likely have to cook longer than your side dish, making it easy for you to concinnate your side dish while the entree is cooking. Get your ingredieants and directions for your side dish to one area away from where you will prepare and begin to concinnate the entree. Follow your directions to concinnate the entree, and while it is cooking, concinnate the side dish. When both dishes are cooked, you can complete this concinnation my making them look really pretty on plates! =]] Oh, and be sure your table is already concinnated!

Concinnating an outfit. This one's easy peaasy if you are simple like me! Go to the closet or dresser, and choose a top. Find bottoms to match. Try to get matching shoes and socks. Find acceries that match, too! Your outfit is concinnated! Put it on and go show the world!!

Here comes the Chemestry part! Concinnating compounds using elements on the periodic table. Syke! No Chem lessons for my readers.... yet! I will say that to concinnate the compound water, you need two Hydrogen and one Oxygen. =] H2O. What an awesome concinnation!

This is a whole lot of concinnating!

I have learned, while concinnating this post, that to concennate anything, you should start simple and build up, but make it elegant or smooth in the end. The more skills you have, the easier it will be to concinnate something.

I hope you enjoyed my hopefully well concinnated post!

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