Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Jessica the Great!

Yeah, the great and tiny!

Jessica is a purebred Maltese.

She currently weighs in at 1.9 pounds. She will gain approximately 2 to 4 more pounds over her lifetime.
Her length and height will increase, but only slightly.

My mother is bound and determined to treat her as if she were human by dressing her, and putting bows in her 'hair'.
I think this is a swell idea.

Savannah adores her.

Diesel does too, but if she does something wrong, like have an accident, he'll tell on her right away by standing at the scene of the crime and barking.All in all, he's still a bit taken aback by this tiny dog. Stay tuned for video footage of the two of them.

1 comment:

Emily said...

what a sweet looking puppy! Happy New Year!

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