Tuesday, June 29, 2010

South Carolina and Eclipse!

We went to South Carolina for the weekend.
It was nice to see dad, but there isn't a whole lot to do where he is right now.
We did go shopping and swimming, and dad took us to dinner twice.
I had a good time, but I'm glad to be home.

We got to see Dalton and Aunt Kathy, but Dannille is visiting some other family, and so she's coming to stay here for a week in a couple of weeks.
Dalton is so little!
He is one year old and he wears 3-6 months sized clothes.
Aunt Kathy says it's because of the Downs Syndrome.
He is still a handsome little baby, though, and we all love him to pieces.

I didn't take my camera, so there are no pictures, but I will definitely get some when they come to visit us.

Now on to part 2 of this post: Eclipse!

Me, mom, and Tabetha all got into the Twilight series.
Tonight, we are going to see Eclipse, the third movie, at midnight.
We have read all of the books, and have the tshirts and bags and everything!
Tonight our local theater is showing all three movies. Twilight starts at 6pm and then New Moon right after that, and then the premiere of Eclipse! We are going to see all of them!
We are in a big group and I can't wait!

It's 12:24pm right now, and my mom is hosting dinner before we leave, so we have to go to the grocery store. I can't wait to see the new movie!

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