I was babysitting all weekend.
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE sitting.
I LOVE the girls I had.
However, I DO NOT love their arguing ways.
My mom and her best friend, Kim, signed up to go on this annual weekend shopping trip in New York, NY. Teachers and bus drivers from our school district pile onto some charter buses, ride all the way to NY, shop for about 12 hours, pile back onto the buses, and ride home. Well, my mom ofcourse needed a sitter for Savannah, and mom's friend Kim's daughter, Mekenzie, is Savannah's BFF. Soo, long story short, I got volunteered.
I love the girls.
The girls love eachother.
They are like sisters.
However, they are 6 and 8.
They fight like sisters.
So in order to prevent the arguing, I try to keep them engaged in an activity.
Mom and Mrs. Kim left around 9 on Friday night.
I had the help of my cousin and best friend, Tabetha.
The girls were hyper, so we decided to do a craft.
We sat them down and made reindeer ornaments.
All went well, and these came out great!

Then, we put in Santa Buddies and let them fall asleep.
Well, on Saturday Tabetha left around 2:30 PM
The girls and I played a few games and then they wanted to watch TV.
I put the living room TV on Nick.
After about a half an hour, they decided to play with Barbie dolls and play their Nintendo DS games.
It was great until they got bored and asked to get on the computer.
I told them they could get on if they were willing to take turns and switch every 15-20 minutes.
Of course, they agreed, and Mekenzie went first.
She switched off, and then my sister took over.
She wouldn't switch after her time was up.
She wouldn't listen to mr, forcing me to give her a timeout.
Well, this made her mad, and I saw Savannah's bad side.
After her timeout, I told the girls that the computer was off limits for the rest of their time with me.
They were cool with that and went to playing Barbie's.
Overall, it was a nice weekend and the girls had a good time.
Mom came home this morning with gifts for all of us.
I got a really nice purse and a bracelet from Tiffany's.
I also got a T-Shirt from MTV in NYC.
There will be a post later in the week with pictures from NY that my mom brought.
On a different note, my Make Merry gift is finished and will be mailed by the 15th.
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