First, we went to a rest home and did about a 45 minute meet-n-greet time where we broke into groups and visted with the residents. They were so sweet! Then, we performed for them in their dining hall. When we were finished, there was a lady who told our Director she wanted to hear some more! During the meet-n-greet, we passed out homemade Christmas cards that we made earlier this week. It was so great to spread some Christmas cheer. Oh yeah, and I wor my Santa hat!
We had lunch at an Asian restaurant and it was delicious!
My friend Brandyn that graduated last year met us there and went with us to the hospital for the mentally ill.
We changed from our Christmas colors to our Sparkly Uniforms and performed for the patients, but we were not allowed to meet-n-greet with them because of patient confidentiality. They really enjoyed being able to hear us sing, though, and that made me smile.
We go on this treip every year and it has become a tradition to have refreshments at the mental hospital. The woman who organizes for us to come brings like some cookies and light things like that and we just get to take a break. Today our director decided to bring the refrechments with us instead of have them there and so tomorrow we are going to have a party in class.
The only bad part of the day was at the end of the performance at the hospital, when we were changing out of our uniforms, two of our girls passed out. One has an issue with fainting and the other got really hot. They are both doing well now, but please pray that it won't happen again.
Oh, and of course, we took pictures.
Tragedy- my camera is beginning to fail me.
Dear Santa, new camera. ;)
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