And it just keeps getting better!
I continue to get closer to God!
I am making so many new friends! Near and far!
I am winning things!
My sister and I are getting along better! She is hilarious!
Exhibit A:
Savannah: Can I play Sims on your laptop?
Me: Not yet, you may not be able to figure out all the buttons and stuff.
Savannah: But I played it before on the TV
Me: The playstation buttons are easier, and I don't know where the playstation version is.
Savannah: I do, it's right there in the computer!
Me: (laughing) That's a different version kiddo.
Oh thank God for children.
And for people who know His word and can share it.
May He continue to bless us all!
Videos of Savannah tomorrow?!?
We'll see.
night night bloggers!
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