Sunday, July 12, 2009

Camp Elevate!!!

Camp Elevate was the most awesome thing I have done all summer! I already had three friends that I knew before camp, and I made so many more, I am amazed! I slept in a room that looked like candy land with two of the three girls I already knew, and 8 more. I was on the red team with an awesome leader I look up to and her best friend, who taught me how to be an example. Those girls were amazing!

So I just realized that so far this blog entry is all over the place but I am just so excited I can barely hold myself together! Let me just slow this down. Okay, day by day:

Wednesday night: arrival. I was assigned to the candy room and the red team. I spent a lot of time with Holly and Rionna since I didn't know anyone else in the room yet. They introduced me to Debra and Carla and Cindy. The five of us were pretty close over the week. The first team competitions were held; Rock Idol, Eating something gross, Dodgeball.

Thursday: More team competitions; GeoCash, Puzzles and Riddles. Cassie and Kristine showed up. I was so excited!!!! The JJ Weeks band played for us. Walt Anderson spoke.

Friday: Messy day. Obstacle course. Pudding and oatmeal pools. Gross. Steve Fee concert! Walt Anderson spoke.

Saturday: WET N WILD water park. Back to camp. Walt Anderson spoke. Signing of eachother's T-Shirts.

Sunday: First Service of church. Home.

I have A LOT of pictures, and so they won't all appear here but here's a few:

Holly and I. She is so awesome.

Me and Ana. I love this kid.

Carla and I. She rocks.

Corey and Holly. They are so cute.

Debra. She is so hilarious! I love her lots!

Me and Rionna. She is my best friend. =]

I also took some videos of myself and a few of my roomies goofing off during freetime:

Though I had a lot of fun with my friends and we took many pictures and videos, that wasn't what camp Elevate was about. It was about teens getting together to praise, worship, and get closer to God. I am overjoyed to say that over the week I grew amazingly closer to God. Through my newfound focus and the help of my loving friends, I have learned that the best way to share the love of God and be like Jesus Christ is to simply be myself and be an example. I am proud to live my life for Him and I hope that I can lead others to His unconditional love. I will definately be attending youth camp again next year.

1 comment:

Mrs. Valente said...

I'm so glad you had such a wonderful and uplifting time at camp!

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