Monday, August 23, 2010

So You Should Read It Too!

Hey bloggers!

This post is all about my favorite blog, Kingdom Twindom Plus 1!

This is the first blog I ever read and the blog that inspired me to start a blog of my own!

Mrs. Sarah Valente (Kingdom Mama) writes the posts. She is a Christian mother and wife and homeschools her children. She posts about the children, marriage, homeschooling, cooking, cleaning, and just life! Mrs. Sarah posts about God and religion quite often too. Her posts are very uplifting!

Sometimes, Mr. Valente (Papa Bear) posts on the blog. Every post is fun to read.

With five children (two sets of twins and a singelton) I can't imagine how Mrs. Sarah has time to post! I am thankful that she does, though, because without her, I might not have a blog right now!

So hop on over to and leave a comment on her latest post saying that Stormy sent you from and get hooked like I did!

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