He was the best dog anyone could ever ask for.
He came when you called
He stopped when you said 'no'
He sat when you told him to sit
He came into our lives in the summer of 2007.
My papa (maternal grandfather) had been sick in the hospital, and my parents and I decided it would be good for me to get away from the tension and stress. So, I packed up and went with Tabetha and her family to Surf City beach here in NC. We stayed for a week.
The night before we were scheduled to come home, I was talking to my mom on the phone. She told me there was a surprise at home. Daddy said he'd bought a diesel.
Of course, I'm thinkin vehicle.
When I got home, the most beautiful puppy I'd ever seen ran to my feet.
He was lickin and jumpin and all kinds of puppy stuff.
Then dad said "Diesel, heel" and the dog ran to daddy.
I immediately understood that my dad had gotten us a dog.
He was supposed to be dad's travel companion, but when some hotels didn't allow pets, Diesel stayed home with us.
This happened so much that Diesel became mama's dog.
He would sleep with her and protect her.
And he protected me and Savannah.
We had a chihuahua, Rocky, already when dad brought Diesel home, but we gave him away to an elderly couple who could care for him better and who had his friend, Daisy, that we'd given up earlier.
Then we got Dallas, our other boxer, to breed with Diesel, but he never seemed interested, and she ended up outside in a kennel, so we gave her up too.
Obviously, we have Jessica, but diesel loved her to death.
I have videos of the two of them playing, and some other videos of Diesel I'd love to share here later.
Last night around 11, we let Diesel out for his last potty break of the night. Around 11:15 when he hadn't come back yet, we callled him. He didn't come.
We knew immediately that something was up. We got our caots and went looking.
About 11:30, we found Diesel on the side of the road, cold and lifeless.
My mom and I lay down with him and cried for minutes.
I called my grandpa and my uncle to come and help us bury him because daddy wasn't scheduled to come home until Thursday.
They came and took care of things while me, mom, Savannah, Tabby, Aunt Sabrina, and grandma sat in the house and cried.
Mom called dad this morning.
He's on his way home.
I'm gonna miss that dog...
I feel like I've lost a brother.
It may sound silly to some of ya'll, but please pray for us as we mourn the loss of our beloved pet and friend.

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