School's out tomorrow and probably Tuesday too.
Which, is sort of cool, and sort of a bummer.
Just means Summer is gonna take even longer to get here...
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Still Snowed In
So, the snow is still here.
And it's still snowing off and on.
I took Savannah out. It's pretty icy, and we tried to skate in our sneakers, and we fell a lot, and it was fun.
Rumor has it school's out tomorrow. I hope it's true, because I don't feel like going.
The only thing that really is no good about this snow is that they cancelled All-State Chorus.
And they most likely are not going to reschedule.
SOOOO not cool for me.
As much as I like the pretty white snow, I hope it melts before Friday.
I've got a party to go to.
I took some pictures...
I'll post them later.
Have fun in the snow,
And it's still snowing off and on.
I took Savannah out. It's pretty icy, and we tried to skate in our sneakers, and we fell a lot, and it was fun.
Rumor has it school's out tomorrow. I hope it's true, because I don't feel like going.
The only thing that really is no good about this snow is that they cancelled All-State Chorus.
And they most likely are not going to reschedule.
SOOOO not cool for me.
As much as I like the pretty white snow, I hope it melts before Friday.
I've got a party to go to.
I took some pictures...
I'll post them later.
Have fun in the snow,
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Snowed In
Friday, January 22, 2010
A New Addition
Meet our new puppy.
We keep changing his name because we can't find anything that really just fits.
He's 8 weeks old and purebred Boxer.
I'll update you when we've found a suitable name for him.
He's got to get used to Jessica.
Jessica has to get used to him.
Speaking of Jessica, here's a cute shot I got of her today.

He's 8 weeks old and purebred Boxer.

He's got to get used to Jessica.

Speaking of Jessica, here's a cute shot I got of her today.
So dad went to get a dog today...
The new semester at school has started. I had a little trouble with my schedule, as usual, but I'm pretty happy with the outcome.
1-Advanced Functions
4-AP US History
The only one I don't like is Adv. Func. I hate math. Oh well. I left school early today because I don't really feel all that great, and I spent all day in the guidance office messing with my schedule anyway.
Daddy's home for the weekend. Got here Wednesday night. He and Savannah are on the way to Greensboro now to pick up a puppy he bought. I don't know what to think. We just lost Diesel Tuesday night. Mom's not really happy about the idea of a new puppy, and I just feel like maybe daddy jumped the gun and got another dog too soon. Savannah's excited, but I guess that's to be expected. I have to admit I'm excited too, and after all, this new puppy has no idea about Diesel, and we can't take it out on him. I think that mom will be happier with it once the dog is actually here.
Diesel can never be replaced. However, here's what people have to understand (because I've gotten some grief about 'replacing Diesel' at school), people have different ways of coping with things. I'll give you an example by telling how my family feels about losing diesel and getting a new puppy.
Mom- Her way of dealing with the loss is to attempt to shut out the empty feeling and say things such as "I never want another dog" or "let's get rid of all the pets". Of course, these things don't show how mom *really* feels, it's just her way of coping.
Dad- Can't avoid the emptiness. When I told him I felt like he was jumping the gun with the new dog, he said to me "Diesel is in heaven with Earl and your Papa. He is happy and he would want all of us to be happy. He knows we could never replace him and that he will always hold a special place in our hearts, but he wouldn't want me to be sad, and right now I am very sad." So dad's way of coping is to fill the hole. I see it kind of like this, Daddy wants to take all that love that Diesel gave him and share with a puppy who didn't have a home. I personally think that it's nice of my dad to adopt a dog.
Savannah- Just knows we lost our dog, and that he's in heaven with Papa and Earl. She's thrilled to get a new dog, and these feelings are expected... she's 6.
Me- I'm kind of a mixture of mom and dad's feelings. I miss Diesel and I love him and there is no way he could ever be replaced, but that puppy doesn't have a home yet, and we will love him dearly. Not like we loved Diesel, but differently. It's kind of like parents with kids. Most parents will say they love their childern the same amount and differently. I kind of see it like that.
The new puppy will start out as dad's travel companion. Daddy's already spoken with the hotel and they've agreed to make an exception to their NO Pets rule. Yes, we realize their will be hotels that won't agree, and the dog will stay home with us girls, but please blogworld and friends of mine who read this, please understand that we are not by any means replacing Diesel. That's impossible.
1-Advanced Functions
4-AP US History
The only one I don't like is Adv. Func. I hate math. Oh well. I left school early today because I don't really feel all that great, and I spent all day in the guidance office messing with my schedule anyway.
Daddy's home for the weekend. Got here Wednesday night. He and Savannah are on the way to Greensboro now to pick up a puppy he bought. I don't know what to think. We just lost Diesel Tuesday night. Mom's not really happy about the idea of a new puppy, and I just feel like maybe daddy jumped the gun and got another dog too soon. Savannah's excited, but I guess that's to be expected. I have to admit I'm excited too, and after all, this new puppy has no idea about Diesel, and we can't take it out on him. I think that mom will be happier with it once the dog is actually here.
Diesel can never be replaced. However, here's what people have to understand (because I've gotten some grief about 'replacing Diesel' at school), people have different ways of coping with things. I'll give you an example by telling how my family feels about losing diesel and getting a new puppy.
Mom- Her way of dealing with the loss is to attempt to shut out the empty feeling and say things such as "I never want another dog" or "let's get rid of all the pets". Of course, these things don't show how mom *really* feels, it's just her way of coping.
Dad- Can't avoid the emptiness. When I told him I felt like he was jumping the gun with the new dog, he said to me "Diesel is in heaven with Earl and your Papa. He is happy and he would want all of us to be happy. He knows we could never replace him and that he will always hold a special place in our hearts, but he wouldn't want me to be sad, and right now I am very sad." So dad's way of coping is to fill the hole. I see it kind of like this, Daddy wants to take all that love that Diesel gave him and share with a puppy who didn't have a home. I personally think that it's nice of my dad to adopt a dog.
Savannah- Just knows we lost our dog, and that he's in heaven with Papa and Earl. She's thrilled to get a new dog, and these feelings are expected... she's 6.
Me- I'm kind of a mixture of mom and dad's feelings. I miss Diesel and I love him and there is no way he could ever be replaced, but that puppy doesn't have a home yet, and we will love him dearly. Not like we loved Diesel, but differently. It's kind of like parents with kids. Most parents will say they love their childern the same amount and differently. I kind of see it like that.
The new puppy will start out as dad's travel companion. Daddy's already spoken with the hotel and they've agreed to make an exception to their NO Pets rule. Yes, we realize their will be hotels that won't agree, and the dog will stay home with us girls, but please blogworld and friends of mine who read this, please understand that we are not by any means replacing Diesel. That's impossible.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Diesel- July 2007-January 2010 Part II
Diesel Fuel Kelly was our family dog.
He was the best dog anyone could ever ask for.
He came when you called
He stopped when you said 'no'
He sat when you told him to sit
He came into our lives in the summer of 2007.
My papa (maternal grandfather) had been sick in the hospital, and my parents and I decided it would be good for me to get away from the tension and stress. So, I packed up and went with Tabetha and her family to Surf City beach here in NC. We stayed for a week.
The night before we were scheduled to come home, I was talking to my mom on the phone. She told me there was a surprise at home. Daddy said he'd bought a diesel.
Of course, I'm thinkin vehicle.
When I got home, the most beautiful puppy I'd ever seen ran to my feet.
He was lickin and jumpin and all kinds of puppy stuff.
Then dad said "Diesel, heel" and the dog ran to daddy.
I immediately understood that my dad had gotten us a dog.
He was supposed to be dad's travel companion, but when some hotels didn't allow pets, Diesel stayed home with us.
This happened so much that Diesel became mama's dog.
He would sleep with her and protect her.
And he protected me and Savannah.
We had a chihuahua, Rocky, already when dad brought Diesel home, but we gave him away to an elderly couple who could care for him better and who had his friend, Daisy, that we'd given up earlier.
Then we got Dallas, our other boxer, to breed with Diesel, but he never seemed interested, and she ended up outside in a kennel, so we gave her up too.
Obviously, we have Jessica, but diesel loved her to death.
I have videos of the two of them playing, and some other videos of Diesel I'd love to share here later.
Last night around 11, we let Diesel out for his last potty break of the night. Around 11:15 when he hadn't come back yet, we callled him. He didn't come.
We knew immediately that something was up. We got our caots and went looking.
About 11:30, we found Diesel on the side of the road, cold and lifeless.
My mom and I lay down with him and cried for minutes.
I called my grandpa and my uncle to come and help us bury him because daddy wasn't scheduled to come home until Thursday.
They came and took care of things while me, mom, Savannah, Tabby, Aunt Sabrina, and grandma sat in the house and cried.
Mom called dad this morning.
He's on his way home.
I'm gonna miss that dog...
I feel like I've lost a brother.
It may sound silly to some of ya'll, but please pray for us as we mourn the loss of our beloved pet and friend.
He was the best dog anyone could ever ask for.
He came when you called
He stopped when you said 'no'
He sat when you told him to sit
He came into our lives in the summer of 2007.
My papa (maternal grandfather) had been sick in the hospital, and my parents and I decided it would be good for me to get away from the tension and stress. So, I packed up and went with Tabetha and her family to Surf City beach here in NC. We stayed for a week.
The night before we were scheduled to come home, I was talking to my mom on the phone. She told me there was a surprise at home. Daddy said he'd bought a diesel.
Of course, I'm thinkin vehicle.
When I got home, the most beautiful puppy I'd ever seen ran to my feet.
He was lickin and jumpin and all kinds of puppy stuff.
Then dad said "Diesel, heel" and the dog ran to daddy.
I immediately understood that my dad had gotten us a dog.
He was supposed to be dad's travel companion, but when some hotels didn't allow pets, Diesel stayed home with us.
This happened so much that Diesel became mama's dog.
He would sleep with her and protect her.
And he protected me and Savannah.
We had a chihuahua, Rocky, already when dad brought Diesel home, but we gave him away to an elderly couple who could care for him better and who had his friend, Daisy, that we'd given up earlier.
Then we got Dallas, our other boxer, to breed with Diesel, but he never seemed interested, and she ended up outside in a kennel, so we gave her up too.
Obviously, we have Jessica, but diesel loved her to death.
I have videos of the two of them playing, and some other videos of Diesel I'd love to share here later.
Last night around 11, we let Diesel out for his last potty break of the night. Around 11:15 when he hadn't come back yet, we callled him. He didn't come.
We knew immediately that something was up. We got our caots and went looking.
About 11:30, we found Diesel on the side of the road, cold and lifeless.
My mom and I lay down with him and cried for minutes.
I called my grandpa and my uncle to come and help us bury him because daddy wasn't scheduled to come home until Thursday.
They came and took care of things while me, mom, Savannah, Tabby, Aunt Sabrina, and grandma sat in the house and cried.
Mom called dad this morning.
He's on his way home.
I'm gonna miss that dog...
I feel like I've lost a brother.
It may sound silly to some of ya'll, but please pray for us as we mourn the loss of our beloved pet and friend.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Way Back
So here in NC, a facebook trend to post pictures from 'way back' has started.
I posted a few and wanted to share them here as well.
Way back in December 1993 when it was my very first Christmas.
Way back when I only had a little bit of hair.
Way back when I was cute!
Way back when my parents were 20 something and it was our first Christmas together.
Way back when Barney came over to tell me Happy Birthday in July of 1994.
Way back when parents took pictures of you just because you were there. (Oh, wait... They still do that)
Way back when we 'double-buckled' (L-R; Samantha A., Me, Beth S., Ashley B., Tabetha K., Peyton H.)
Way back in the day hanging out with daddy.
Way back in 2003 when Savannah was born- 10 years and 4 months after me!
I posted a few and wanted to share them here as well.

Friday, January 15, 2010
Five Question Friday
I saw this over at Emily's Adventures. She does it through My Little Life. So, I decided to follow MyLittlw Life and take part in Five Question Friday!

1. Worst trouble you ever got into as a teenager?
I'm still a teenager. I think the worst thing I've done so far is a tie between skipping homeroom and forging my mom's signature on notes to leave school early. Then again, my mom knew about the notes..
2. Are you a morning person or a night person?
Night! I love staying up and reading or blogging or just being up. I wish I was a morning person, maybe then I wouldn't be so groggy.
3. Are you a one-handed or a two-handed Texter?
I can do it with one, but it's easier to use two, because I have a QWERTY keyboard on my phone.
4. Democrat, Republican, or Independent..or maybe even Green Party (whatever that is).
No idea. Too young to vote anyway.
5. Are you a pet person?
YES! We have alwasy had pets. I love them.
We've had everything from a fish to a snake.
We currently have 3 dogs (Dallas, Diesel, and Jessica), a cat(Piper), and a bearded dragon (Harley).

1. Worst trouble you ever got into as a teenager?
I'm still a teenager. I think the worst thing I've done so far is a tie between skipping homeroom and forging my mom's signature on notes to leave school early. Then again, my mom knew about the notes..
2. Are you a morning person or a night person?
Night! I love staying up and reading or blogging or just being up. I wish I was a morning person, maybe then I wouldn't be so groggy.
3. Are you a one-handed or a two-handed Texter?
I can do it with one, but it's easier to use two, because I have a QWERTY keyboard on my phone.
4. Democrat, Republican, or Independent..or maybe even Green Party (whatever that is).
No idea. Too young to vote anyway.
5. Are you a pet person?
YES! We have alwasy had pets. I love them.
We've had everything from a fish to a snake.
We currently have 3 dogs (Dallas, Diesel, and Jessica), a cat(Piper), and a bearded dragon (Harley).
Savannah Moved Out
My little sister, Savannah, turned 6 in November.
She and I have shared a room for the past few years, because she is afraid to sleep alone.
Mom and I agree that Savannah is old enough to be in her room.
This past week, she's slept in her own bed in her own room every night!
I am so proud of her!
Not to mention glad to have my room back!
It's different in there without her, and I'll admit the first night was kinda hard for me, too.
We've decided to leave the other bed in my room for when I have guests.
Savannah made the transition fairly easily.
Does anyone else know any kids that maybe spent the beginning years sleeping with a parent or sibling and had to make the transitiion?
Was it hard for the child?
The person he/she slept with?
I'd love to hear your stories!
She and I have shared a room for the past few years, because she is afraid to sleep alone.
Mom and I agree that Savannah is old enough to be in her room.
This past week, she's slept in her own bed in her own room every night!
I am so proud of her!
Not to mention glad to have my room back!
It's different in there without her, and I'll admit the first night was kinda hard for me, too.
We've decided to leave the other bed in my room for when I have guests.
Savannah made the transition fairly easily.
Does anyone else know any kids that maybe spent the beginning years sleeping with a parent or sibling and had to make the transitiion?
Was it hard for the child?
The person he/she slept with?
I'd love to hear your stories!
Moving On Up!
So I didn't have school today.
Which is a very good thing because..
It means...
I usually do well and am not very worried.
It may sound vain, but I've just always taken school seriously and most academic things seem to come naturally to me.
This past semester I was a lot worried about Chemistry.
Science isn't my strong subject, and I struggled.
I got a C.
Not what I'm used to, but I'm proud of myself for working hard, doing my best, and passing.
I start the second semester of my junior year on Thursday!
Out of school til then!
Which is a very good thing because..
It means...
I usually do well and am not very worried.
It may sound vain, but I've just always taken school seriously and most academic things seem to come naturally to me.
This past semester I was a lot worried about Chemistry.
Science isn't my strong subject, and I struggled.
I got a C.
Not what I'm used to, but I'm proud of myself for working hard, doing my best, and passing.
I start the second semester of my junior year on Thursday!
Out of school til then!
Friday, January 8, 2010
New Year's Resolutions 2010
1. Care less about what other people think. Beat the high school mindset. Be humble, yet more projective.
2. Focus more on being dedicated to church and, more importantly, God. He is my eternal BFF.
3. Be nicer to Savannah. Don't have such a short temper. She's only 6. Be a teacher without trying to be a parent. I'm still a kid too, I should remember that.
4. Never give up. On anything. Ever.
5. Always think positive. Yeah, I'm gonna get let down sometimes, but optimism is an excellent quality. Gain more of it, and grab some more confidence while I'm at it.
6. Trust completely in God. He knows what is right. Listen to Him. Follow Him. Continue to grow in my relationship to Him.
7. Learn to follow my heart and my head both at the same time.
8. Say everything I want to say today, because tomorrow might not come.
9. Be more frequent and consistent with this blog.
10. Put others first and help others. Be a desciple.
2. Focus more on being dedicated to church and, more importantly, God. He is my eternal BFF.
3. Be nicer to Savannah. Don't have such a short temper. She's only 6. Be a teacher without trying to be a parent. I'm still a kid too, I should remember that.
4. Never give up. On anything. Ever.
5. Always think positive. Yeah, I'm gonna get let down sometimes, but optimism is an excellent quality. Gain more of it, and grab some more confidence while I'm at it.
6. Trust completely in God. He knows what is right. Listen to Him. Follow Him. Continue to grow in my relationship to Him.
7. Learn to follow my heart and my head both at the same time.
8. Say everything I want to say today, because tomorrow might not come.
9. Be more frequent and consistent with this blog.
10. Put others first and help others. Be a desciple.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
All-State Chorus
Hey guys I know I've been MIA for a few days, but school was back in session this week and I've been soo busy!
I have my New Year's Resolutions written out for the next post.
There's only 10, because I had an epiphany and realized the do-as-many-as-the-age-I'll-turn-this-year isn't gonna work forever, so I'm going to do 10 for 2010.
Like I said, next post. Probably tomorrow, which is definately a 2-hour delay and more than likely going to be a complete snow-day. We usually have one or two here in January.
This post is all about a thing called All-State Chorus.
My best friend Beth, another friend, Diana, and myself were invited by my Choir Director to participate!
All-State is a HUGE deal for choir kids.
It's the second highest honor a high school choir student can recieve.
There are three or four choirs each year.
This year, if I remember correctly, there are four; A men's choir, A women's choir, A 9-10 grade choir, and An 11-12 grade choir.
Diana is in the 9-10.
Beth and I are in the Women's.
Beth and I sing first soprano.
For those who don't know, that's the REALLY high part.
I love it!!
We've had a district rehearsal already and that was in Greenville, but the concert is in Greensboro on the 29th!
More info later!!
I'm so excited!!
I have my New Year's Resolutions written out for the next post.
There's only 10, because I had an epiphany and realized the do-as-many-as-the-age-I'll-turn-this-year isn't gonna work forever, so I'm going to do 10 for 2010.
Like I said, next post. Probably tomorrow, which is definately a 2-hour delay and more than likely going to be a complete snow-day. We usually have one or two here in January.
This post is all about a thing called All-State Chorus.
My best friend Beth, another friend, Diana, and myself were invited by my Choir Director to participate!
All-State is a HUGE deal for choir kids.
It's the second highest honor a high school choir student can recieve.
There are three or four choirs each year.
This year, if I remember correctly, there are four; A men's choir, A women's choir, A 9-10 grade choir, and An 11-12 grade choir.
Diana is in the 9-10.
Beth and I are in the Women's.
Beth and I sing first soprano.
For those who don't know, that's the REALLY high part.
I love it!!
We've had a district rehearsal already and that was in Greenville, but the concert is in Greensboro on the 29th!
More info later!!
I'm so excited!!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
It's been a slow weekend.
Lots of movies.
Stay tuned for New Years Resolutions...
There's 17 of 'em!!
Lots of movies.
Stay tuned for New Years Resolutions...
There's 17 of 'em!!
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