Saturday, August 1, 2009

Bedabble(d).... Scribe Scuffle for August

My sister's room is bedabbled once again. Mom and I spent a whole day last month trying to help her clean it! It was so bedabbled you couldn't even see that she had a floor; it kinda looked like you would just fall into to the bedabble! She is a kid, though; and I do remember my days of bedabbled bedrooms.

I remember when Savannah was between 2 and 4. Her clothes used to be so bedabbled on laundry day! I mean we all have bedabbled clothes, that's why laundry exists, but I mean her clothes were all stained and blotchy.. It seemed like the poor kid just couldn't stand to have nice clothes.
That reminds me, I have a load or two of bedabbled clothes I should probably be washing....

I have always been one to hate being bedabbled. I don't like having bedabbled hands or feet or anything like that, but I love playing outside...

Being a teenager, sometimes life just feels to bedabbled to ever get clean, but thanks to God, I have little worries as I let Him lead.

We have a dog and his fur bedabbles my mother's nice furniture. His fur bedabbles the hardwood floors, too, but I shouldn't blame him for all of that. Our shoes and the dog's paws are also responsible for the bedabbled floors. That's why Saturday is cleaning day.

I can't really think of anything else that gets bedabbled, but I think this is a pretty neat post. Kinda random and bedabbled, yet it totally makes sense!

1 comment:

Mrs. Valente said...

In case you haven't seen yet, you're the winner again!:)

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