Well, a lot has been going on here in little Rosewood.
Since my last post I have presented my graduation project and submitted it completely finished. I passed with flying colors!
I'm also almost finished with my first semester of senior year. If it hadn't been for the lame excuse for "snow days" these past two days, I'd be finished already. Wayne county was frightened by the forecast and we were out of school yesterday and today, but no snow happened.
Hopefully we'll go back tomorrow and wrap up this semester so I can finally begin my final semester of high school.
I am still a very dedicated warrior to end childhood cancer. My other blog, previously known as The Praying Mantis, is now called Cancer Kickers and is dedicated to raising awareness for the children forced to fight for their lives.
Speaking of childhood cancer, Olivia had scan results from her check up come in today, and she is still 100% cancer free! This is very great news and with a weight off their back, the Haveri family can now begin to plan Olivia's eighth birthday party. Olivia will be 8 years old on January 22.
2010 was not the best year. I don't want to go into detail, but let's just say I'm very excited for 2011.
Only one bad thing has happened in 2011 so far, and it happened today. I went out to check the mail and found a letter from the NC Teaching Fellows Commission. I applied for the Teaching Fellows scholarship to help pay for my teaching education, and I was really excited to get the letter. However, when I opened it it was only to inform me that I had not received the scholarship. I was heartbroken for a moment and then realized that God must have another financial plan for me. I will keep pushing on and filling out applications and will not give up my dream to teach the first grade.
Papa Roscoe is still in treatment for his lung cancer, but did get to come home for Christmas with the family, which was very exciting for everyone. Please keep my papa in your prayers.
Dalton is doing well. He is standing, high fiving, and mumbling words.
My mom broke the glass on the backdoor and cut her hand yesterday, but she is fine and just needed stitches.
Speaking of stitches, our dog Bella has quite a few on her leg after being hit by a car just before Christmas. Thankfully she is ok. I don't think this family could handle losing another dog.
Those are the major things that have been going on, and I'll try to update more during the next semester. High school is time consuming, especially senior year.
Trust in God. Always.
Life: Stormy Style
Senior Year Edition
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Monday, November 1, 2010
So Sorry
I'm super busy with school stuff and I have neglected this blog.
There are a lot of things I need to catch up on, but I can't right now for lack of time.
Photo Shoot pics coming soon.
Should get caught up with blogging this coming weekend.
There are a lot of things I need to catch up on, but I can't right now for lack of time.
Photo Shoot pics coming soon.
Should get caught up with blogging this coming weekend.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Bring The Rain
Goldsboro, NC is getting some much needed rain right now.
My sister and I overslept this morning, and mom allowed us to stay home today and just enjoy eachother.
I've caught up on the blogs I read and have gotten way ahead in my Latin class, and I'm having a friend bring me the other work I missed today.
It's amazing how peaceful a rainy day can be.
Look forward to a lot of posts in October, I have a lot of plans.
My sister and I overslept this morning, and mom allowed us to stay home today and just enjoy eachother.
I've caught up on the blogs I read and have gotten way ahead in my Latin class, and I'm having a friend bring me the other work I missed today.
It's amazing how peaceful a rainy day can be.
Look forward to a lot of posts in October, I have a lot of plans.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Glory To God Forever
Sunday, September 5, 2010
So I just got home from church.
I was going to go to the second service at Whitley, but I ended up in 4:12
4:12 is a middle school service the Pastor Josh does at Whitley.
There was a high school freshman there that told about how he started a Christian club at his school and even though he was kind of shy and he stuttered, over 100 kids now come on Friday mornings to the band room of his school to worship.
That's amazing.
Josh talked about how to be unique and let God shine through in you.
He said that even when we are young, we can make an impact just by picking up someones books for them or telling two friends about God, because then they will do it for someone else.
Olivia came up and sang Glory To God with Gage, and it was absolutely beautiful.
I didn't take any pictures because it wasn't the time or place for that, and I was worshiping.
Her little voice brought me to tears and I could feel God in the room.
And then something really cool happened.
Olivia's favorite nurse, Chris, came up and sang Everything Is Going To Be Alright.
It's the same song he sang to Olivia when they told her she was going to lose her hair.
I had a very uplifting morning.
And I am officially back at Whitley and a member of the 4:12 staff.
It's where I belong and I can't turn away.
I was going to go to the second service at Whitley, but I ended up in 4:12
4:12 is a middle school service the Pastor Josh does at Whitley.
There was a high school freshman there that told about how he started a Christian club at his school and even though he was kind of shy and he stuttered, over 100 kids now come on Friday mornings to the band room of his school to worship.
That's amazing.
Josh talked about how to be unique and let God shine through in you.
He said that even when we are young, we can make an impact just by picking up someones books for them or telling two friends about God, because then they will do it for someone else.
Olivia came up and sang Glory To God with Gage, and it was absolutely beautiful.
I didn't take any pictures because it wasn't the time or place for that, and I was worshiping.
Her little voice brought me to tears and I could feel God in the room.
And then something really cool happened.
Olivia's favorite nurse, Chris, came up and sang Everything Is Going To Be Alright.
It's the same song he sang to Olivia when they told her she was going to lose her hair.
I had a very uplifting morning.
And I am officially back at Whitley and a member of the 4:12 staff.
It's where I belong and I can't turn away.
Sunday Morning
Hey everybody.
I know I haven't blogged in a few days, but being back at school really has me busy, and since I don't get a grade on my blog, it has taken a backseat.
Today, though I have a few amazing things to share with you here.
These are things that God is doing and I'm seeing them happen right here in town.
One literally in front of my face.
So, yes, school is great and fun and stuff, but that's not what my writing is about this morning.
It's about three little girls.
One who sent me a message from heaven, and two whose earthly lives were saved by God.
I'm sure you remember Ellie Potvin, the 8 year old little girl from Charlotte that passed of cancer in June.
Well, everyone says that butterflies remind them of Ellie or that they are Ellie saying "Hi" from heaven.
On Monday of this past week, I got home from school after having just "one of those days".
I needed something to lift my spirits, to remind me that some people have it worse than me and that I'll see better days.
As I rounded the corner to my back door, I saw a beautiful butterfly.
It was a velvet black color with blue on it's wings, and if I could have seen it's mouth, I'd be pretty sure it was smiling at me.
I immediately though of Ellie and talked out loud to her right there in my backyard.
I said, "Hey, Ellie. Thank you. I needed this." The butterfly flew around me for a second and then I said, "Ellie, can you land for a second and let me look at you?"
And you can believe me or not here, but that butterly landed on the window of my house and sat right there for about a minute.
I was so amazed.
I wish I had gotten it on video.
This next one you may not remember if you don't read my prayer blog, www.goprayingmantis.blogspot.com
Madison Strickland, a 5 year old little girl from Whitley Church, went to the hospital for her appendix in June or July. They made it just in time.
Madi's appendix ruptured and she had to have numerous surgeries and be in the hospital for a long while, but her life was saved and she got out just in time for back-to-school. The doctors told her mom, Mrs. Tammy, that had they gotten to the hospital just a few minutes later than they did, her youngest baby girl would have lost her life.
Last night I went to the Saturday night service at The Bridge, a smaller location of Whitley Church.
Pastor Ferrell talked about Madison and his words brought many to tears, including him. "Madison Strickland is a miracle girl. She was in the hospital for months because her appendix ruptured. I know God was there because little Madi almost left this world, but last Sunday I saw her at Whitley Church." He stopped there, starting to cry, and then, "Let me tell you that I hugged little Madi. I hugged her and I felt bones. Those little bones because she had lost so much weight. But Our God saved her! How great is our God?" and then the people said Amen.
A few mere minutes later and Madi wouldn't be here right now.
So hard to think about.
But so easy to think about how God saved her.
God is so so so so great, beyond words.
You probably all know about Olivia, the 7 year old little girl who was diagnosed with Stage 3 Burkitt's Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma in July. She also goes to Whitley Church and there have been servicecs just for prayer for her and little Madi. There's actually one tonight to thank God for their healing.
Yep, after just 3 months of fighting, Olivia Haveri is completely cancer free.
Our God is an awesome God.
I think it is som amazing that on September 1, 2010, the first day of childhood cancer awareness month, Olivia found out she beat it.
I trust God, without a shadow of a doubt.
And so if you are having doubts this morning, please think of my 3 little heros.
You will be amazed.
Happy Labor Day Weekend.
I know I haven't blogged in a few days, but being back at school really has me busy, and since I don't get a grade on my blog, it has taken a backseat.
Today, though I have a few amazing things to share with you here.
These are things that God is doing and I'm seeing them happen right here in town.
One literally in front of my face.
So, yes, school is great and fun and stuff, but that's not what my writing is about this morning.
It's about three little girls.
One who sent me a message from heaven, and two whose earthly lives were saved by God.
I'm sure you remember Ellie Potvin, the 8 year old little girl from Charlotte that passed of cancer in June.
Well, everyone says that butterflies remind them of Ellie or that they are Ellie saying "Hi" from heaven.
On Monday of this past week, I got home from school after having just "one of those days".
I needed something to lift my spirits, to remind me that some people have it worse than me and that I'll see better days.
As I rounded the corner to my back door, I saw a beautiful butterfly.
It was a velvet black color with blue on it's wings, and if I could have seen it's mouth, I'd be pretty sure it was smiling at me.
I immediately though of Ellie and talked out loud to her right there in my backyard.
I said, "Hey, Ellie. Thank you. I needed this." The butterfly flew around me for a second and then I said, "Ellie, can you land for a second and let me look at you?"
And you can believe me or not here, but that butterly landed on the window of my house and sat right there for about a minute.
I was so amazed.
I wish I had gotten it on video.
This next one you may not remember if you don't read my prayer blog, www.goprayingmantis.blogspot.com
Madison Strickland, a 5 year old little girl from Whitley Church, went to the hospital for her appendix in June or July. They made it just in time.
Madi's appendix ruptured and she had to have numerous surgeries and be in the hospital for a long while, but her life was saved and she got out just in time for back-to-school. The doctors told her mom, Mrs. Tammy, that had they gotten to the hospital just a few minutes later than they did, her youngest baby girl would have lost her life.
Last night I went to the Saturday night service at The Bridge, a smaller location of Whitley Church.
Pastor Ferrell talked about Madison and his words brought many to tears, including him. "Madison Strickland is a miracle girl. She was in the hospital for months because her appendix ruptured. I know God was there because little Madi almost left this world, but last Sunday I saw her at Whitley Church." He stopped there, starting to cry, and then, "Let me tell you that I hugged little Madi. I hugged her and I felt bones. Those little bones because she had lost so much weight. But Our God saved her! How great is our God?" and then the people said Amen.
A few mere minutes later and Madi wouldn't be here right now.
So hard to think about.
But so easy to think about how God saved her.
God is so so so so great, beyond words.
You probably all know about Olivia, the 7 year old little girl who was diagnosed with Stage 3 Burkitt's Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma in July. She also goes to Whitley Church and there have been servicecs just for prayer for her and little Madi. There's actually one tonight to thank God for their healing.
Yep, after just 3 months of fighting, Olivia Haveri is completely cancer free.
Our God is an awesome God.
I think it is som amazing that on September 1, 2010, the first day of childhood cancer awareness month, Olivia found out she beat it.
I trust God, without a shadow of a doubt.
And so if you are having doubts this morning, please think of my 3 little heros.
You will be amazed.
Happy Labor Day Weekend.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Parking Paint
The first three days of school were so great!
I love my classes and I have lunch with my friends!
So far I've already had Biology homework every night, had to write a two page paper for English, done a whole chapter in Latin, and Beth, Marieke, and I have to teach chorus, but I DONT EVEN MIND!
I'm loving every minute of it!
Even the supplemental reading!
Today, after getting permission from the principal, we took spray paint and wrote the numbers of our parking spaces on in Rosewood Purple.
We asked to do this because the old numbers had faded and we couldn't see them.
I took pictures!
Paint Hands
Paint Can
Rosewood Purple!
Beth's One. She wasn't there, so I really hope she doesn't see this. Supposed to be a surprise!
Me, Marieke, and Kelsey
Me and my 2
Kelsey and her 3
Marieke and her 4
These are of Beth in her Spot. Taken the first full week of school.

I love my classes and I have lunch with my friends!
So far I've already had Biology homework every night, had to write a two page paper for English, done a whole chapter in Latin, and Beth, Marieke, and I have to teach chorus, but I DONT EVEN MIND!
I'm loving every minute of it!
Even the supplemental reading!
Today, after getting permission from the principal, we took spray paint and wrote the numbers of our parking spaces on in Rosewood Purple.
We asked to do this because the old numbers had faded and we couldn't see them.
I took pictures!
These are of Beth in her Spot. Taken the first full week of school.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
First Day of Senior Year
Today was the first day of my senior year.
This morning I was awake at 5am after tossing and turning all night in anticipation.
Traffic was crazy dropping Savannah off at the elementary school and then trying to get back to the high school, but I got us both safely to school and on time.
Homeroom lasted an hour and we went over the student handbook and health forms and general first day back stuff.
I am very happy with my schedule this semester which is:
I have first lunch out of two lunches.
I'm happy about that because it means my third period doesn't get interrupted for lunch.
I took some pictures this morning of my sister and I and I will post those later,
but now I need to do homework!
This morning I was awake at 5am after tossing and turning all night in anticipation.
Traffic was crazy dropping Savannah off at the elementary school and then trying to get back to the high school, but I got us both safely to school and on time.
Homeroom lasted an hour and we went over the student handbook and health forms and general first day back stuff.
I am very happy with my schedule this semester which is:
I have first lunch out of two lunches.
I'm happy about that because it means my third period doesn't get interrupted for lunch.
I took some pictures this morning of my sister and I and I will post those later,
but now I need to do homework!
Monday, August 23, 2010
So You Should Read It Too!
Hey bloggers!
This post is all about my favorite blog, Kingdom Twindom Plus 1!
This is the first blog I ever read and the blog that inspired me to start a blog of my own!
Mrs. Sarah Valente (Kingdom Mama) writes the posts. She is a Christian mother and wife and homeschools her children. She posts about the children, marriage, homeschooling, cooking, cleaning, and just life! Mrs. Sarah posts about God and religion quite often too. Her posts are very uplifting!
Sometimes, Mr. Valente (Papa Bear) posts on the blog. Every post is fun to read.
With five children (two sets of twins and a singelton) I can't imagine how Mrs. Sarah has time to post! I am thankful that she does, though, because without her, I might not have a blog right now!
So hop on over to www.kingdomtwindom.com and leave a comment on her latest post saying that Stormy sent you from www.lifestormystyle.blogspot.com and get hooked like I did!
This post is all about my favorite blog, Kingdom Twindom Plus 1!
This is the first blog I ever read and the blog that inspired me to start a blog of my own!
Mrs. Sarah Valente (Kingdom Mama) writes the posts. She is a Christian mother and wife and homeschools her children. She posts about the children, marriage, homeschooling, cooking, cleaning, and just life! Mrs. Sarah posts about God and religion quite often too. Her posts are very uplifting!
Sometimes, Mr. Valente (Papa Bear) posts on the blog. Every post is fun to read.
With five children (two sets of twins and a singelton) I can't imagine how Mrs. Sarah has time to post! I am thankful that she does, though, because without her, I might not have a blog right now!
So hop on over to www.kingdomtwindom.com and leave a comment on her latest post saying that Stormy sent you from www.lifestormystyle.blogspot.com and get hooked like I did!
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