It has been quite the night and it's not over.
I've cried quite a bit.
Right before dinner, I was helping mom empty the dishwasher.
She looked at me and just kind of said real quietly, "Tabetha is joining the Navy"
I immediately called Tabetha.
She said it was true and I felt my heart break.
Tabby is not only my cousin, but my BEST friend. I don't think I'm as close to anyone as I am to her.
We've been side by side our whole lives and it's hard enough dealing with her being in SC for a week without me.
Now she's going to basic all the way in CHICAGO! And that'll be at least two months and then who knows where they'll send her.
It worries me.
It really does.
Later on, I got on facebook.
I started looking at people's pictures and stuff.
I looked at Amy Potvin's.
Seeing Ellie and her balloons and her racecar and her sweet face full of life made me cry again.
I miss her and I didn't even really know her.
I really wish I could hug Holly and Lindsay.
Also on facebook, Mrs. Emmy has posted a video of Abby and Olivia singing. Olivia is laying there with all her strength singing with her sister. Singing to the Lord. It brought so many tears to my eyes.
Then I looked at the pictures of Madison.
I've really grown attached to her too.
My heart seriously goes out to that family.
Nobody's baby deserves what she's going through.
I don't know what she has, I just know it's bad.
My aunt Phyllis had posted some pictures of my cousins Riley and Avery and Ciera with Olivia when they went to see her at the hospital. Those pictures are so incredubly precious. I smiled through my tears just thinking how much better those pictures would be if they were in Olivia's bedroom and not her hospital room.
I hate seeing these kids and these families go through this stuff.
Then I start looking at blogs.
I see people who have had healthy babies and people whose baby's didn't make it.
It tears me up!
I'm an emotional wreck tonight.
I can't think of anything but my upcoming senior year, my cousin leaving, and these precious kids suffering.
Sleep is not going to come easy.