Monday, August 31, 2009

Self Photography and Kitten Update

Savannah wants to be a photographer.

When I wasn't looking, she grabbed my camera.

These self portraits are pretty good, for a kindergartener.

Looks like she could use a tip or two still, though. ;]


They aren't really big enough to take individual photos, and Piper wasn't up for me to take a really good picture, but here is what I could get of the family today. I wasn't about to mess with a momma kitty!! =] All the kitties are doing wonderful. They are growing like weeds. Piper is an excellent mommy!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Divine Kitten Names

Since everything is divine to my sister.
No, really. Everything.
"These chips are divine"
"School is divine"
"Swimming is divine"
"This computer game is divine"
"The baby cats are divine"

I guess it's her new word!

Anyway, we named the kittens.

I don't have individual pictures of them quite yet, thqat will come in a week or two, but they are all girls, and they are all named.

The oldest is Paige. I chose this name because the mother is Piper, named after Piper Hallowell on the series 'Charmed'. Her younger sisters were Paige and Pheobe. Her older sister was Pru. We already had a cat named Pheobe once, and I don't like Pru, so I chose Paige. Paige has all black fur. Her full name is Paige Twilight Kelly for now, until she is adopted.

The next oldest, we are calling Chloe. She is named after Chloe from 'The Young and the Restless'. I love her character. This kitten is also all black. Her full name for now is Chloe Cordelia Kelly.

The third oldest kitten is Lola. Savannah and I agreed on this because I like Lola from 'Charlie and Lola', and she likes Lily from 'Hannah Montana' when she dresses up as Lola Lafonda to go places with Miley as Hannah. This might confuse you if you don't watch the show, but trust me, it makes perfect sense. Lola the kitten looks like her mom, black with white paws and a white stripe down her face. Her full name for now is Lola Sofia Kelly.

The "runt" of the litter is Bella Swan Kelly. She looka a lot like Lola, and is named after Bella Swan from 'Twilight'. We named her that because she is clumsy like Bella from the books. And because we love 'Twilight'.

I'll have an update with pictures on Monday, as promised.

God Bless,

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Cookbook Chemistry.

So I know I haven't posted in a couple days, but you'll have to forgive me, I am OVERLOADED with homework. Taking senior classes my junior year on top of my junior classes with all of the classes period being honors classes is kinda hard. I LOVE IT.

I absolutely love a challenge.

I did get my schedule changed.
I now have

US History
and Chemistry with my very own Aunt Linda Franks.

...but I might be biased.....

As Chem is a very hard class, and Aunt Linda talks very very fast, she has come up with this amazing thing called cookbook chemistry.
For everything she teaches, she organizes steps for us. Just like following directions in a cookbook. You need to do this first followed by this and then this to get what you want. It is so helpful. I love Chemistry so much, which shocks me, because science has never really been my thing.

I'm joining my school's FFA chapter tomorrow.
And I'm going to audition through chorus to be in the County Fair Talent Show.
I'm so excited to be double as active this year as I was last year.

AND I just have to get this one out.
I went to church last night (like all wednesdays)
and this thing we talked about soing while I was at camp,
WE ARE DOING!!! My outh group, Encounter Student Ministries, is going to North Myrtle beach, SC, to hear Mr Walt Anderson and some other people speak the word of God. It slips my mind right this minute what the event is called, but I know it's a weekend in November. I am so JAZZED.




Please keep praying for Dalton and Papa.
Dalton is still not heavy enough for his surgery, and Papa is in the process of transferring hospitals to get his done.

Thank you all so much.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The First Day of 11th Grade

Was such a doozy I don't know where to start.

I'll just walk you through my day.

Homeroom- went well. I found out I am on the prom committee. I am super excited about that. Plus, my homeroom teacher (who is also the FFA advisor) has me almost convinced to join FFA. I think it will be fun. My cousin, Ross is already in.

First Period- Pre Calculus. It's getting changed TOMORROW. I have no friends in there and my friends are taking it next semester. So I'm going to get Chorus first period, bring my online Psychology to second period, keep US History for third period, and take Honors Chemistry fourth period. This way, I knock out another class ahead of time, AND I'll be with friends all day.

Second Period- Chorus. I hope I'm getting it changed. I want it First.

Third Period- My favorite clas so far. US History. I LOVE history. And my teacher is spectacular.

Fourth Period- Online Psychology. I just realized I might have to drop it completely to get biology in this year. It's not that great anyway. I'd rather take it in college with a real teacher.

SO..... My schedule is crazy. I'm all over the place. I have too many books. Blah Blah Blah etc. Thank God for the blessing and privelage to learn. No sarcasm.


PS- though I thank Him for education, I'm still STRESSED OUT!

Monday, August 24, 2009

My Kitty had Kitties!

Yep, my cat, Piper, gave birth to four little bundles of joy this morning!

From now on until the kittens leave, Monday will be kitten update day!
(I will do a regular post on Monday, but will have 'Kitten Update:' at the bottom of every Monday post. Monday posts will otherwise be as usual unless I choose to do a 'Not Me Monday'.)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

I promised this post.

And this post is what you'll get.
However, I must warn you that this post is a lot more than how those few girls interrupted church or how my backpack is pakced and my sister's lunchbox is ready for packing.

I hope you'll stay and read it, but if you feel I will bore you or you just don't want to for whatever reason, then this is the part where you should click away, because I am about to get started, and I don't know when I'll stop....

Yes, as Pastor Ferrell was preaching about how we should not fear death, a few girls who just graduated the eighth grade were playing pattycake or something during service. They were so disruptive that the Pastor stopped preaching and called them out. I am praying for those girls who may have caused someone to miss out on the joy of dying. And no, I am not being sarcastic.

The next thing I promised:
School starts Tuesday. I am all packed and ready.
So is Savannah.

Now I want to talk about how over this summer, blogging here, getting stuff I wanted to say out and making new friends and always having somewhere to go and just rant or sharing my pictures with other people and people actually caring and reading it has been a HUGE thing for me. Here on this blog I can just be me. Thank blogger for that. Thank Mrs Sarah for being my inspiration. Thank God for letting my curiosity lead me here.

I have grown so attached to the blogs I read.
The two I am most attached to:
Kingdom Twindom
Profoundly Seth

I feel like I have known Mrs. Sarah and Mrs. Ellyn for a lot longer than I have connected with them here on blogger.

God is leading me to so many new places and people not only through this blog but in my own town! I'm learning so much and growing so much and it's all happening so fast...

And I thought I was giving other people a hand when I started The Praying Mantis, but since I did ALL THE REQUESTS HAVE BEEN MINE. So many people so close to me need prayers.......
So many people not close to me need prayers..... Every time I turn around someone is sick or dying or someone they know is or someone is getting divorced or something! It hurts my little heart so much. I ant to help! I want to reach out! I pray so hard and I do what I can on that level but I don't know I just want to do more for me and my family and everyone and everything around me. I feel so stuck....

....On a different note, I now am getting writers lock on how to better express what I feel.... so I'll have to get back to my frustration later...

In the meantime...
If anyone has any connections to the band Sugarland...

The sweet girl on the right is their biggest fan.
Her name is Mekenzie. I would love to make her wildest dreams come true.

I am getting....

So excited!
More and more people are reading this blog!

I never started this to get internet popular, or to have a lot of readers, or anything like that.
I started this blog for two reasons:
1- I wanted to enter Scribe Scuffle
2- It serves as a diary I ACTUALLY KEEP UP WITH!

ANYWAY, it is still very neat that other people are interested in what I do.
Thanks guys!

Longer Post later about getting prepared for school and the rude Freshmen who interrupted service this morning.

Don't forget to pray for Dalton and Papa!


Saturday, August 22, 2009

So yesterday I was babysitting....(Crayon Cupcakes)

And we did the crayon thing! I saw it on Kingdom Twindom (visit by clicking the button in the sidebar), and I thought it was so cool! I did it with my sister and her friend, and my cousin, Tabetha.

We started at this table...

but had to move to this one.

I had them color code them at first, to keep from losing the crayons...

but don't worry, I let them get creative.

This is what we got! We were all so excited!

This project was fun for an age group of 5 to 17! You can't say that about a lot of things! (Savannah-5, Mekenzie-8, Stormy(me)-16, Tabetha-17)

Thanks to KingdomMama for the idea! The little girls named this project Crayon Cupcakes!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Praying Mantis has another request....

Again, it's mine.

My papa.
on my daddy's side.
Has cancer.
In his lungs.
He is having part of one of his lungs removed.
and he is going to have part of one of his feet removed due to diabetic reasons.
I am so scared.
We lost mama's daddy in April of 2008.
I'm scared for Dalton and now I have Papa Roscoe to worry about and be scared for to.
Not to mention the stress of a new school year.
Please pray for us.
I'm not at all too proud to beg..

Dalton and Papa together... The perfect photo for this post. I made a button with this picture in the sidebar... I'm still working on the HTML

Bedknobs and Broomsticks

So we cleaned house today.
I was so proud of my room I decided to take pictures of it to show you guys:

This is my bed.

This is the other bed in my room. My sister sleeps here most nights.

This is the view of my room from the doorway.

This is my sister on her real bed in her room. =p

This is our living room from the stairway.

Well, off to open house at the elementary school!
Hope you like the little bit of our house I showed you!

Dalton came for one last summer visit!

Aunt Kathy had to come and get Uncle Ronnie to go to a wedding in Ga so she brought baby Dalton by our house on her way to Raleigh!
They stayed a few hours and we got to have one last little summer visit.
We probably won't see them again until we go down to Ga for Dalton's surgery in a few months, and I noticed he had gotten a bit bigger, so I took some pictures.

Isn't he just so precious?

Aunt Kathy took this picture of me feeding him:

I got my hair done. Do you like it? I sure do!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Starting Anew

So my boyfriend and I broke up at open house tonight..
I think it is for the better... we weren't getting along too well.

So I'm starting fresh at a perfect time.
A new school year.
God as my pilot.
This as my place to get away.
Sometimes being a teenager is just wacky.

I can't thank you all enough for being there for me to fall back on.
Especially KingdomMama, Mrs. Sarah. God bless you for talking to some kid when she needs an ear when you have five little ones. Thank you so much.

Junior year starts in 6 days....
Boy am I ready.....

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

7 days.

I'm counting down.
I am so ready for school to start.
I am so ready for the 11th grade.
7 days from now I will walk the four halls of my smalltown high school with the few girls I hang out with. I'll smell brand new paper. Brand new textbooks. Fresh cleaned hallways.... And at lunchtime I'll be praying for Dalton, and for anyone and anything else that needs it.

I love you all and I know this isn't a long post but I'll be longer later.

<3 stormy

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Praying Mantis has it's first requests.... Little did I know they would be mine....

It has been a hectic day.

The urgent requests:

My baby cousin, Dalton's doctors have discovered that he has a large hole in his heart. The wall that seperates the chambers of the heart is nonexistant in his infant body. There is no medicine to fix it and he isn't strong enough yet for the operation he will undergo when he reaches 12 pounds. This surgery will save or take his life. I am so afraid. Our whole family is so afraid. Dalton was also diagnosed with Downs Syndrome. The tests to confirm the severity have not come back yet. Please pray for this precious baby boy and his momma, who, to top this all off, recently lost a close friend.

I have created a button for Dalton (it is not the image above). It is located on my sidebar and I'll figure out how to code it for your taking eventually.

I'm working on that, The Praying Mantis button, and my button.

Until I get them fixed, please feel free to copy/paste.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Stellan Cereal

Cereal for Stellan =]]

For more Stellan photos and for Stellan's story, please check out his mother's blog at: and Stellan's name gallery at:

A powerful night.... that started out as a night with no power!

So I am in Raleigh.
At the same hotel I was at before, when we spent the week with all the cousins.

Tonight it is Tabetha and I babysitting Savannah while mom and dad are at the Colt Ford concert in Wake Forest.

Why are we at the hotel, you ask?
because some froot loop back home vandalized the power center for our town!
And so now everyone who runs from the company that we get power from is out until who knows when. Since the concert is an hour away from home and I had plans for Tabby to come over AND I'm babysitting Savannah, mom and dad thought it best for us to be closer to them and with power. So, here we are!

There's not really much to post about.
We've been playing UNO and some other card games.
Taking turns on the internet.
Not much else.

Savannah is being really good, of which I'm thankful.
I haven't had any e-mails for The Praying Mantis yet.

Just kinda relaxing for tonight.
Took some Stellan pictures. They will be up next post.
<3 Stormy

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Praying Mantis is Up and Running!!!!

It's not as elaborate as I'd hoped for yet, but we'll get there.

In the sidebar of this blog is a button. It is a photo of a praying mantis titled "The Praying Mantis". When you click that button, it will bring you to this post which will go on to explain The Praying Mantis the ways it currently operates. If The Praying Mantis is updated or changed, it will be updated on this post, so rest assured this post is the place to go!

The Praying Mantis!

The Praying Mantis is an idea of my very own formulated by the desperate need of prayer almost everywhere I look. I created The Praying Mantis for the bloggers and other internet folks to communicate prayer requests and also to reach out folded hands to those who need prayers.

As The Praying Mantis is still being "worked on", so far not much can be done. However, I feel that if I *can* do *something*, it is in the great name of our God that I do it.

Here is what The Praying Mantis can do at this point:

1. Have a prayer request? send it to my e-mail at in specifics or just as a "private prayer". I will pray for you and reply to all e-mails and with your permission will blog about the e-mails to raise awareness of your prayer need(s) and of The Praying Mantis in general. If you feel that e-mail is a little too personal, feel free to leave your requests as comments on ANY POST, just be sure to say that it is for The Praying Mantis somewhere in the comment.

2. Want to be an even bigger part of The Praying Mantis? let me know via e-mail( or blog comment(on any post). I hope to learn how to pass on my button very soon, but until then feel free to copy the picture I have created as my button and use it to place on your blog, publicly showing that you take part in The Praying Mantis. Link your button either to this post or publish your own post explaining The Praying Mantis. If you choose to use this post, please add your e-mail address with mine. When this is done, you are now a co-host of The Praying Mantis and may recieve prayer requests via e-mail or blog comment. Please respond to everyone who contacts you about The Praying Mantis, and if you can't, please forward the mail to me for I do not want anyone who has a request to feel ignored.

Thanks so much for the support with this God given program.
May He bless each and every one of you,

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I'll be your Praying Mantis

Hello blog world.
Recently there are a few things and people I feel that we need to pray for.
Some here in the blog world. Some I know personally.

I am praying but I feel that these situations need your prayers too.

I want to start a program called the Praying Mantis.
This program would be an exchange of prayer requests and sort of an online prayer group.
I will post my e-mail address and you all can send me your requests, and those who will participate will be open to getting prayer requests. I want to try to get all participants on one IM service so that one night a week we can get on and discuss our prayers and pray together. I know that this will be difficult and I need your help.

If anyone can help me set up The Praying Mantis I will be forever greatful.

Please e-mail me at :

Monday, August 10, 2009

"I'm ready to just pull it out with a piece of string!"


"yeah, kiddo?"

"I think I'm just ready to pull my wiggly tooth out with a string"


"you know, like with the door and then you shut it?"

At this point, she had my attention. I turned around to find her tooth hanging by a thread! I pulled it out with a washcloth that she then used to 'make the blood stop flowing away'. Tooth pictures, anyone?

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Six Flags over Georgia

I was GONE!..... and now I'm back!

Sorry that I haven't posted in quite a bit.
I have been visiting my cousin, Dannille, in Georgia.
They have no internet at her house....

Her birthday was yesterday and she had a pretty great party.
We had a bonfire and made s'mores.

I am soooooo tired, but I WILL finish this post.

While I was there, we took a trip to Six Flags of which I will have pictures and videos up very soon.

Overall, I had a pretty good summer, but I'm ready for school.

Dannille gets to go tomorrow.
The little lucky!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Bedabble(d).... Scribe Scuffle for August

My sister's room is bedabbled once again. Mom and I spent a whole day last month trying to help her clean it! It was so bedabbled you couldn't even see that she had a floor; it kinda looked like you would just fall into to the bedabble! She is a kid, though; and I do remember my days of bedabbled bedrooms.

I remember when Savannah was between 2 and 4. Her clothes used to be so bedabbled on laundry day! I mean we all have bedabbled clothes, that's why laundry exists, but I mean her clothes were all stained and blotchy.. It seemed like the poor kid just couldn't stand to have nice clothes.
That reminds me, I have a load or two of bedabbled clothes I should probably be washing....

I have always been one to hate being bedabbled. I don't like having bedabbled hands or feet or anything like that, but I love playing outside...

Being a teenager, sometimes life just feels to bedabbled to ever get clean, but thanks to God, I have little worries as I let Him lead.

We have a dog and his fur bedabbles my mother's nice furniture. His fur bedabbles the hardwood floors, too, but I shouldn't blame him for all of that. Our shoes and the dog's paws are also responsible for the bedabbled floors. That's why Saturday is cleaning day.

I can't really think of anything else that gets bedabbled, but I think this is a pretty neat post. Kinda random and bedabbled, yet it totally makes sense!

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